Saturday, September 1, 2007

Lady Jane's Day In Newmarket

15 Lovely Diva's showed Newmarket what it's like to be a Red hat Lady. I had one lady in the Maid's Inn asking for the Red Hat phone number, she wanted to belong. We had people hanging out car windows yelling "We like your hats!" The food was excellent. although most of the stores were closed in the old part of Newmarket, there was still shopping to be done.
Thank you Lady Jane and a big thank you to Jackie for opening up your home to us strangers.

1 comment:

donna said...

Hello there

I am looking for some information
in regards to a dance through the
red hatters sometime in July in Newmarket. I thought I heard it
through a group called the Mad Hatters of Newmarket. Do you have
any info on this or would there be such a group that I could get this information from. I would appreciate your help if possible
Thank You Donna