Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cat and The Fiddle- Lindsay Ontario

March 21, a few of us got together just to get together. We dined at the Cat and the Fiddle. Friendship is so important even in the dullest of days!

Azian Cuisine

5 Diva's tried out The Azian Cuisine in Oshawa on March 8, 2011. There was something for everyone. Chinese, Thai, Japanese, you name it. No one ordered Sushi which was surprising. We even tried hot Saki. Wow, now that cleans out the sinus cavity!! All in all, great food, great atmosphere and great friends. What more could one ask for?

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ode to Joye

Beautiful and classy, a lady is she,
Oh how sad our lives now, where she will no longer be.

Joye, our Red hat friend, spouse and mother
Aunt, cousin, grandma, amongst one another.

Her smile, her wit, will be missed by all
But with those red hatters, did she have a ball.

She shimmered, she shinned, always dressed to the nines,
She looked like perfection each, every, and at all times

She loves her baubles and bling and very pretty things
Oh how she could wear those fancy big rings.

Our bus trip to Erie was a blast
We shopped and shopped, the time went too fast.

So many parcels, so many bags,
We bought so much, we had to remove the tags

She carefully crafted our Diva Ditty,
Her knowledge and spunk, she was very witty.

A lover of shopping was our gal,
What will we do without our wine loving pal.

We will never forget of our lady red hatters
She’ll be missed on so many matters

Her death was a shock, to all who knew
May God rest her soul, she is long overdue.

By Arlene (English) Petten
March 6, 2011