Friday, February 18, 2011

Dog Sled Races in Cannington

Not many but a few of us braved the cold outdoors to attend the dog sled races on . Feb 26, 2011. Of all things, the races were cancelled but the events were still on. Ice sculptures, shopping, contests, games, and educational opportunities were a few of the events to attend. We even attended the sweet grass ceremony. I ended up winning a great gift basket full of ciders and chocolates and had my picture in the paper from Durham region. It does pay to fill out ballots!

Lockers In Cannington

6 Diva's met for a luncheon at the Lockers in Cannington at 1 p.m on Feb 17. We celebrated Lady Carolyn's birthday early. Lunch was deleicious as always. We stopped on the way home at the Brick Church in Manilla where we will be having our March luncheon. Also couldn't pass by White Feathers Farm on the way home to do a bit of shopping. Thanks Lady Linda for making the reservations and getting us all together once again. We missed you Lady's Pat, Joan S and Joye. Also you snowbirds!!