Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hawiaan Luau

The Lindsay group of Red hatters invited other groups of Red (and Pink) Hatters for a festive time at the Admiral Inn in Lindsay. Approximately 80 Red Hatters dressed in their finest Hawiaan Outfits. It was a very colourful event, the food was plentiful and the desserts, well, they were calorie free that day only. Yummy!!!! Even though the entertainment arrived late, we were all entertained but some jokes and poetry. A fun time indeed!


Anonymous said...

I like to thank our Pink hatter for all the work ,she does on the blog.On behave of all the members.Way to go,Lady A.Keep up the good work.Q.B.

Anonymous said...

Please note that the Hawaiian event was hosted by the Red Hat Ladies of Lindsay.